Here you have some inspiration

"Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about CREATING yourself"
Troye Sivan.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

I only contradict myself all the time

Hey there! How are you doing? Had a nice day? I hope you did, I personally certainly enjoyed mine, but now at 02:29 a.m. exactly I found myself thinking about how much I disagree about stuff with, well, me (yay fun Saturday night!).

So to make myself clear, I usually like something but then end up doing things in real life that go against that belief. For example, I LOVE ORDER, and even though I'm really organised for a lot of things, I right now have the messiest room in the world (including: 5 pairs of shoes, clothes, 2 purses and more just on the floor).

Also, I hate being mainstream about anything, yet my favourite 5sos member is Luke, I take loads of selfies, love 1D and ship Bellarke (the 100 series, watch it).

Aaaaaand yeah, that's basically it. But it got me thinking tho how is it possible that I sometimes act in a way that doesn't match my thoughts, and I think it's mainly for the same reason that you do things you shouldn't, love the person that only brings trouble and read the Fault in our stars when you know you'll cry a big ass river: the brain and the heart do not get along. So we can think whatever we want, but many times our hearts get away with it.

Lesson of the day: yes, you can fangirl about 4 different things in just one post :))


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